FireTenders Men’s Circles


We create leader-full men’s groups in cities around the country. With group support and training you will be seen, heard, respected, honed in the fire and trained up by skilled facilitators to become an engaged participant in your own life, in your group, your family, and your community.

Ongoing Men’s circles

Santa Barbara, CA


Guardian Calls

Two times a year, an ambassador is chosen from each men's circle to join a group video call led by one of our FireTenders Core Council members. Guardian calls are an opportunity for an ambassador from each of our current FireTenders Men’s Circles to connect, ask questions, inspire each other, share any challenges of the group and find support for moving through them.

What is a Men’s Circle?

A FireTenders men’s circle is a small group of men who meet on a regularly scheduled basis to check in, share vulnerably about their lives, seek support, accountability, and new input and feedback for growth and development. We focus on developing our range of skills to step up in the major areas of life including relationships, work, finances, health, and family with responsibility, integrity and heart.

These circles are small and meet in a long-term closed group format. The leadership responsibilities are shared, and there is a formal process for entering and leaving a group.


Find or create a men’s circle in your community.

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