FireTenders is a self-sustaining community of responsible men that are committed to conscious living, and who are willing to support other men in the process of self-discovery, true masculine embodiment, and open-hearted relational engagement in the world.
This type of Men’s work has transformed me from the inside out. I began sitting in men’s circles over 15 years ago and I still remember my initial surprise and relief when I witnessed men connecting in authentic ways, revealing unspoken truths, and inspiring one another toward greater presence and engagement. With help from other men and potent mentors my false sense of what it meant to "be a man” has been challenged and burned away. What is left is my direct experience as a man with vulnerabilities, emotions, drive, presence, shadow, and fire. It has and continues to be a journey of becoming, becoming a Man and becoming an Embodied Human Being in this World.
FireTenders events are an opportunity to stop, presence your life and explore your current habitual patterns, belief systems, relationships, and level of wakefulness with support and brotherhood. Through experiential exercises, embodied meditations, and individual somatic processing time we dive deep toward the true self.
Rather than focus on our often isolating individualism, we will help each other in our growth. As FireTenders, we celebrate collaboration and connection over competition and ego. We will practice resourcing each other as support and connect in camaraderie and teamwork on this journey toward wholeness.
Men of Courage & Authenticity
"The weekend we spent together was deeply fulfilling and touching for me. The courage and authenticity you all brought created such power and left me feeling more hope and vigor than I have felt in a long while.” - Ryan G
Cultivating Healthy Masculinity
"For me this kind of responsible inner-work and connection with other men is the anecdote to the unchecked masculine shadow, which we have each experienced personally and that continues to cause great suffering in our families, communities and on the world stage.” - TJ
Restoring Faith in Brotherhood
"I'm heartened to feel back into our time together, it restores my faith in my fellow man as well as lifting my own spirit, reassuring my own path." - Michael R.
You must learn one thing.The world was made to be free in. Give up all the other worlds, except the one in which you belong.